Attention Pundits
Memo to: Jon Chait, Joe Klein, Lee Siegel, Richard Cohen, and the rest.
From: Some guy with a blog.
Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that your strings of pearls are being worn thin from clutching, at the intemperate and potty-mouthed "fascism" of liberal blogs. Apparently, you don't like these self-appointed kingmakers "purging" the Democratic party of anyone who doesn't toe the line, as seen most clearly in the current Senatorial primary race in Connecticut. You have picked up the whiff of intolerance and fascism behind the near-unanimous support for Ned Lamont, versus the incumbent Joe Lieberman. You think that the full-court press to elect Mr. Lamont is, apparently, almost a crime against basic human decency. And so you have started several sandbox fights with your arch-enemies, the guys (and girls) with blogs.
As you are so fond of explaining to the rabid pre-teens on the internets what is really good for them, let me explain what's good for all of you: NOT calling the exercise of democracy "fascism" or "purging." Some people with websites do not hold the reins of governmental power. They do not direct party funds. They don't run the military. They have, in other words, no actual power. What they have are opinions and some facts. Sort of like yourselves. When they advocate the election of Ned Lamont, the only ability they have to effect this is to convince people that he is a worthy candidate. Worthy of votes, donations, and word of mouth to Connecticut voters. The voters of Connecticut will decide whether they agree. This is the point you seem to be missing. If enough voters in Connecticut decide that their views will be better represented by Ned Lamont than by Joe Lieberman, he should be elected. Right? This is how democracy works. If you disagree, you are just as free as Markos, or Jane Hamsher, or Atrios, to make your argument why Joe Lieberman is the better choice.
Let me suggest, however, that "Joe follows his conscience" and "Joe is bipartisan" may not be compelling reasons for a voter who does not agree with Mr. Lieberman on the substance of his beliefs. And when you attack the rabid lambs of the blogofascisphere, you're insulting and denigrating not the purported kingmakers of the internet, but the people who read and contribute to these sites. This is the second mistake you've been making. Markos, Atrios and the rest do not have monopolies on truth any more than you do, and their audiences are quite aware of this. What the popular bloggers provide is not the shining light of truth, but fora. They're basically glorified party hosts, and if the party ends, or the host starts acting like an ass, the party will go elsewhere. But it won't go away. It could even end up back on your doorsteps, if you had opinions and information that were of interest.
In the meantime, however, I have not seen any of you offer a compelling reason why a Connecticut voter should cast his or her ballot for a candidate that does not represent that voter's views as well as another candidate. Maybe competence or ethics would be a good reason, but nobody has offered any evidence that Lamont would be unethical or inept, apart from the fact that he would be new at the job. Which, of course, every officeholder is at some point.
So, for your own sakes, please consider trying to understand the new media environment a little better. As far as I can tell, none of you does actual investigative reporting, just opinion. Now that instantaneous worldwide publishing is available to just about anyone, you can no longer expect to have an audience simply because of your names, or your employer. There is simply no point in attacking the blogosphere because it speaks out and supports politicians with whom the writers and readers agree, and criticizes those with whom it does not agree. If you continue to perceive this as "fascism" rather than the epitome of "democracy," the next few decades are going to be very unpleasant for you.
Stop focusing on the messengers, and focus on the message. If you believe that Ned Lamont's campaign is misguided, and the voters of Connecticut should have fewer choices on election day, explain why on the substance of the candidates' positions. I'm glad Joe Lieberman has a conscience (which I sincerely believe he does), and that he is willing to break with his party when he does not agree with them. If, however, Joe's conscience causes him to cast votes that make his constituents unhappy, he runs an electoral risk. See the difference? Joe is not being challenged because he has a conscience and does not toe the party line, he is being challenged despite those traits. Because he breaks with the party on issues of importance to lots of people and lots of voters.
"Lieberman deserves support, because he votes against your beliefs and interests." That's basically what you're saying. Think about it.
From: Some guy with a blog.
Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that your strings of pearls are being worn thin from clutching, at the intemperate and potty-mouthed "fascism" of liberal blogs. Apparently, you don't like these self-appointed kingmakers "purging" the Democratic party of anyone who doesn't toe the line, as seen most clearly in the current Senatorial primary race in Connecticut. You have picked up the whiff of intolerance and fascism behind the near-unanimous support for Ned Lamont, versus the incumbent Joe Lieberman. You think that the full-court press to elect Mr. Lamont is, apparently, almost a crime against basic human decency. And so you have started several sandbox fights with your arch-enemies, the guys (and girls) with blogs.
As you are so fond of explaining to the rabid pre-teens on the internets what is really good for them, let me explain what's good for all of you: NOT calling the exercise of democracy "fascism" or "purging." Some people with websites do not hold the reins of governmental power. They do not direct party funds. They don't run the military. They have, in other words, no actual power. What they have are opinions and some facts. Sort of like yourselves. When they advocate the election of Ned Lamont, the only ability they have to effect this is to convince people that he is a worthy candidate. Worthy of votes, donations, and word of mouth to Connecticut voters. The voters of Connecticut will decide whether they agree. This is the point you seem to be missing. If enough voters in Connecticut decide that their views will be better represented by Ned Lamont than by Joe Lieberman, he should be elected. Right? This is how democracy works. If you disagree, you are just as free as Markos, or Jane Hamsher, or Atrios, to make your argument why Joe Lieberman is the better choice.
Let me suggest, however, that "Joe follows his conscience" and "Joe is bipartisan" may not be compelling reasons for a voter who does not agree with Mr. Lieberman on the substance of his beliefs. And when you attack the rabid lambs of the blogofascisphere, you're insulting and denigrating not the purported kingmakers of the internet, but the people who read and contribute to these sites. This is the second mistake you've been making. Markos, Atrios and the rest do not have monopolies on truth any more than you do, and their audiences are quite aware of this. What the popular bloggers provide is not the shining light of truth, but fora. They're basically glorified party hosts, and if the party ends, or the host starts acting like an ass, the party will go elsewhere. But it won't go away. It could even end up back on your doorsteps, if you had opinions and information that were of interest.
In the meantime, however, I have not seen any of you offer a compelling reason why a Connecticut voter should cast his or her ballot for a candidate that does not represent that voter's views as well as another candidate. Maybe competence or ethics would be a good reason, but nobody has offered any evidence that Lamont would be unethical or inept, apart from the fact that he would be new at the job. Which, of course, every officeholder is at some point.
So, for your own sakes, please consider trying to understand the new media environment a little better. As far as I can tell, none of you does actual investigative reporting, just opinion. Now that instantaneous worldwide publishing is available to just about anyone, you can no longer expect to have an audience simply because of your names, or your employer. There is simply no point in attacking the blogosphere because it speaks out and supports politicians with whom the writers and readers agree, and criticizes those with whom it does not agree. If you continue to perceive this as "fascism" rather than the epitome of "democracy," the next few decades are going to be very unpleasant for you.
Stop focusing on the messengers, and focus on the message. If you believe that Ned Lamont's campaign is misguided, and the voters of Connecticut should have fewer choices on election day, explain why on the substance of the candidates' positions. I'm glad Joe Lieberman has a conscience (which I sincerely believe he does), and that he is willing to break with his party when he does not agree with them. If, however, Joe's conscience causes him to cast votes that make his constituents unhappy, he runs an electoral risk. See the difference? Joe is not being challenged because he has a conscience and does not toe the party line, he is being challenged despite those traits. Because he breaks with the party on issues of importance to lots of people and lots of voters.
"Lieberman deserves support, because he votes against your beliefs and interests." That's basically what you're saying. Think about it.
Wow! That was as insiteful[sic?] as it gets. On a par with Digby. Billmon, Atrios and Greenwald (High praise, from me). Bravo!
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
Well put! In my dream world, your post would make it to them, they'd read it, take a couple of months off to reflect, and would change their condescending and patronizing ways.
Anonymous, at 8:45 PM
getting the DC conventional-wisdom merchants to understand this point is probably too much to hope for.
the funniest part is seeing these folks shriek about the indignity of an actual primary challenge.
anyway, they're not upset about chafee or akaka getting challenged. which puts the lie to the idea that their "concern" is anything more than thinly-disguised ideological support for the pro-war corporatist they're backing.
chad, at 8:49 PM
Hot DAMN, that's fine! Most excellent, Nim. Well thought out, well written, and 100% absofuckinglutely right. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
Nicely put.
I wish our chattering class of pundits and reporters would stop trying to pass-off their covert partisanship as some process story of how normal politics is being hijacked by the internets.
When Kossacks start turning out street thugs to beat up Lieberman supporters or when stormtroopers march to whatever You Tube tune Atrios can dig up, well, then you might have cause to invoke the dreaded f-word.
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM
Well said buddy.
four legs good, at 9:03 PM
We seek to replace: The wingnuts seek to purge. Classic cases of the latter include Dan Rather and Eason Jordan. There's one of your basic differences.
The clowns who've been using this typical GOP strategy of discrediting dissenters is rooted not in dislike of Lamont as much as in desperation that their embedded Republican (that would be the man who puts the "Lie" in Lieberman) will not get re-elected. They see Lieberman as another seat taken by the Republican party and rightly so. So they fear losing what could be a crucial seat... and rightly so.
Well said, Nim (surfed on in from Atrios).
jurassicpork, at 9:06 PM
Wingnut purging also includes when the repugs run an extreme right winger against a less extreme right winger to force the world even farther off the edge.
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM
Damn fine post, Nim.
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM
Thats one heck of a post man! Keep up the good work!
karmic, at 9:15 PM
Keeping drinking from the cup of truth and pissing out your yellow stream of wisdom.
Well done.
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
Jesus, that's an eggsellent post.
It shames its targets. It supports (little d)emocrats everywhere. Its thrust epitomizes anti-facism.
It might even register in the power-stained brains of the punditclature.
Anonymous, at 9:25 PM
Well said, Nim.
Of course, since you didn't say "fuck" your Blogofascism Licence has been revoked. Please turn in your Lamb Fangs to Kos immediately.
Thers, at 9:30 PM
Eloquent lesson in Government 101. And to think they get paid the big bucks.
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
Excellent, wonderful post. It cured the painful headache I have had since reading Brooks today. I hope you really have sent this to the pundits you listed. Please send it to the Times, too!
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM
Have you sent that "open letter" as an email to any of the columnists you've mentioned?
(Also throwing in the fact they arent writing any righteous indignation about Chafee or Akaka being challenged in a primary would also be a good add-on)
Oxford County Liberals, at 9:54 PM
'Of course, since you didn't say "fuck" your Blogofascism Licence has been revoked. Please turn in your Lamb Fangs to Kos immediately.'
I'm pretty sure he did use "the f-word", but it was a misdirection play. Terrific blocking against the grain and a great open field run.
Anonymous, at 9:59 PM
"Have you sent that "open letter" as an email to any of the columnists you've mentioned?"
No, it didn't occur to me, actually.
I was just trying to articulate what I thought was fundamentally screwy about the Lamont backlash.
Nim, at 10:04 PM
Congratulations, that really was an excellent post -- I don't think I've seen a better expression of precisely what's wrong with the approach of Chait, Klein et al.
I've linked to you from my blog, unfutz.
Ed Fitzgerald, at 10:22 PM
And of course, nothing like this sort of simple basic wisdom has ever occurred to any of them.
Doesn't fit the "narrative", y'see.
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM
Nice one!
Writng on all cylinders.
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM
Nim, PLEASE send this to the pundits to whom it's addressed. Please. They need to read it. Congratulations on a fine, fine post.
Anonymous, at 11:05 PM
That's the bottom line. Right there.
Reminds me of an old engineering line: "It can't possibly work; it makes too much sense."
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM
I can't read these light-on-dark sites. Too bad, because what I read over at Eschaton was well thought and well put. Something to think about, because your site is unreadable for my old eyes -- although I "see" that once I hit the comment button, it changed to dark on light.
Anonymous, at 11:19 PM
Great post. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Cassidy, at 11:53 PM
"I can't read these light-on-dark sites. Too bad, because what I read over at Eschaton was well thought and well put. Something to think about, because your site is unreadable for my old eyes --"
Come on now, you know as well as I do that I can't change my color scheme unless Kos gives me the OK.....
Nim, at 11:55 PM
The great unwashed blogging hordes are coming. And they are pissed.
peter, at 12:22 AM
Awesome post, Nim.
Unfortunately for us these guys don't like democracy and that's the basic problem.
as the man said:
" might anticipate that as power becomes more accessible, the iniquities of society will recede from vision, the status quo will seem less flawed, and the preservation of order will become a matter of transcendent importance."
the pundit's job is to preserve the status quo. functioning democracy continually upends the status quo. thus the pundit's job is, in essence, anti-democratic.
Scats, at 12:34 AM
Some Guy with a Blog 1
New Republic Clowns 0
Anonymous, at 12:38 AM
props, nim.
steeplebob, at 12:40 AM
I have been mystified recently by the harsh critcism thrown at liberal blogs, painting them as hysterics and blowhards.
It occurs to me the right can't stand the heat and THEY're the ones coming off as hysterical and unbalanced.
This kind of post elegantly shows them up for the muddled thinkers they are.
Sandy-LA 90034, at 1:30 AM
Wouldn't this be lovely as a full page ad buy in the newspapers of record?
Missy Vixen, at 7:11 AM
absolutely yes
the status quo pundits hear footsteps behind them and it is scaring them
really really right on
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM
Nail. Head.
Fine writing, sir.
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM
Just a "me, too" from me, too. You nailed it. Good on yer.
Anonymous, at 8:35 AM
Tom Payne would be proud of you.
Well Done.
Anonymous, at 9:08 AM
Nim you need to post more regularly if this is the kind of thing you are capable of. A post a week just aint gonna do it my friend.
Scott, at 9:39 AM
"A post a week just aint gonna do it my friend."
Hehe, thanks. The thing is, 5 out of 6 times that I feel like saying something, it turns out that 4 other bloggers have already written the same thing. And expressed the idea just as well.
Nim, at 9:43 AM
Clearly something is off-kilter in Joe's conscience if he's able to sit idly by mouthing platitudes as the war continues to snuff out what's left of Iraq.
Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
The thing is, 5 out of 6 times that I feel like saying something, it turns out that 4 other bloggers have already written the same thing. And expressed the idea just as well.
I know exactly how your feel, but in this post there are some reasons why you might want to think about going ahead and posting anyway. I'll add another specific to yourself: you have the capability of expressing your views in a clean and straightforward manner, which really helps put the point across. That's not a rarity in the blogging world, but it's nevertheless a commodity that's to be valued, and not to be wasted.
Ed Fitzgerald, at 12:15 PM
Excellent. Thanks. I swiped it for Alternate Brain.
Gordon, at 12:48 PM
The idea that Senator Lieberman is anything but a loyal Democrat is ludicrous. He votes with the party majority at a comparable rate as Minority Leader Reid. Some years he even votes with the party more often than (gasp) Senator Feingold. A look at the data will inform you of this fact, but it's obviously your right to continue the disinformation and propaganda campaign against Senator Lieberman.
Jim, at 1:40 PM
Brilliant post! Thank you for saying what needed to be said.
I would add that I have on occasion thought Kos was "acting like an ass" (especially about the Cegelis-Duckworth primary race here in Illinois) but still went to his site religiously anyway because it really ISN'T about him.
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
Well-said, but pointless, Nim. Pointless because there are only two possible outcomes when showing someone the error of their ways: first, you are wrong, which is bad. Second, you are right, which is even worse.
The MSM pundits to whom you addressed your very well-written and thoughtful see the blogosphere as a challenge to their position as the arbiters of what America should think - which, when carried to its logical extreme, is a challenge to their paychecks as well.
So they're never going to accept us until they have no choice, and sadly, it's going to take a few more election cycles before that happens. Ergo, it's pointless to tell them what closed-minded fuckers they are.
But thanks for saying it anyway.
And one last thing: since you seem, from the links to this piece, to have drawn a somewhat larger readership than usual, would you puh-LEEEZE change the color scheme of your blog, so old farts like me can actually read it? Black letters on white would be nice, but if that doesn't appeal to your personal aesthetic, could you pick something a bit more legible than white on black? Just my opinion.
Keep the faith!
Rich Miles, at 5:48 PM
"And one last thing: since you seem, from the links to this piece, to have drawn a somewhat larger readership than usual, would you puh-LEEEZE change the color scheme of your blog, so old farts like me can actually read it? Black letters on white would be nice, but if that doesn't appeal to your personal aesthetic, could you pick something a bit more legible than white on black? Just my opinion."
Sure. I haven't been writing any of this with an expectation of an audience; mostly just for myself. But if some of the Kingmakers have decided that something I've said is interesting, it's all the same to me...
Nim, at 6:08 PM
Posts like yours are the reason why we are going to have to fight like a cornered wolverine (note the clever Michigan reference) to keep the Internet free and open. Blogs are a genuine threat to the existing hierarchy. The entrenched political and economic interests will do everything in their power to restrict our ability to wage democracy.
peter, at 7:03 PM
Beautiful! Loved the succinct punch in the gut at the end!
It is somewhat a paradox, the Lamont backlash from those screaming blogfascist, eh? Oh the irony!
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